Case Study

School – Outdoor Gym

Children’s School Outdoor Gym, Wimbledon, South West London

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Project Photo Gallery:
Wimbledon school outdoor gym - The Rider

The Rider

Wimbledon school outdoor gym - T’ai Chi Spinner

T’ai Chi Spinner

Wimbledon school outdoor gym - Seated Leg Press

Seated Leg Press

Wimbledon school outdoor gym - Hip Twister

Hip Twister

Wimbledon school outdoor gym - Double Air Walker

Double Air Walker

Wimbledon school outdoor gym - Cross Trainer

Elliptical Cross Trainer

Newly installed outdoor gym for Wimbledon school

View across lower play area


The 2017 phase of works included the design and installation of a school outdoor gym and various maintenance jobs.


The children were very excited to see the outdoor gym taking shape! We installed seven pieces of outdoor gym equipment, each providing a range of positive benefits for the pupils. The exercise pieces, specifically designed for children, were selected by the school’s PE teacher for cardio vascular exercise as well as strength and endurance.

We installed the following school outdoor gym equipment: